Development of the cultural cooperation between Győr and Dunajská Streda
Within the framework of priority axis “Nature and Culture” of INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, in connection with the specific objective of “Increasing theattractiveness of the border area”, Arrabona EGTC has submitted a consortium tender “Development of the Cultural Cooperation Between Győr and Dunajská Streda” with theparticipation of the Municipality of the City of Dunajská Streda and the City of Győr withCounty Rights.
Total project budget: 974,201.71 €
Project duration: 24 months:
Amount of ERDF contribution: 828,071.44 €
Amount of government contribution: 97,420.16 €
Total budget of Arrabona EGTC in the project: 230,836.04 €
Own contribution (5%) of Arrabona in the project: 11,541.8 €
Total budget of the City of Dunajská Streda: 466,144 €
Own contribution (5%) of Dunajská Streda in the project: 23,307.2 €
Total budget of Győr MJVÖ in the project: 277,221.67 €
Own contribution (5%) of Győr MJVÖ in the project: 13,861.08 €
(Description of the tasks undertaken by Arrabona EGTC in the project:
Provided that Cultacross project will be supported, the undertakings of Arrabona EGTC willinclude the continuous coordination and management of the active cultural and touristiccooperation between the two cities in an organized manner. Within this framework, theCultural Action Group will be created with the support of the expert of tourism, where themembers are the representatives of the significant art and cultural associations and organizations, and the experts of tourism from the EGTC. As a result of the effectiveactivities of KACS and the professional support by the EGTC, a diverse series of events willbe organized between the two partner cities, which intends to increase the time spent there bythe visitors of the region whilst getting to know the opportunities provided by the two cities. The workshops organized by Arrabona EGTC will be present over the course of the project, which may result in a specific tourist attraction focusing on the offered cultural events, withinthe scope of the cooperation between Győr and Dunajská Streda. A system of mutualrecommendations, online and printed publications, and the development and completion of IT platforms will also help the promotion of this product. In addition to the above tasks, Arrabona EGTC will perform the management and communication tasks during the duration of the project.
Brief summary of the project:
Increasing the number of visitors arriving to the region and the time spent by them here is a common challenge for the project partners. The main objective of the project is the betterexploitation of the rich cultural heritage of Győr, Dunajská Streda and the region, bydeveloping the cultural repertoire of the cities, based on innovative cooperation between local artists, decision-making bodies, civil society, and entrepreneurs. The project intends to raisethe existing services to a higher level by small scale infrastructural investments and thedevelopment of the existing equipment. As a result of the project, we enrich the existingvariety of culture and festivals by adding the events of the two cities. The cultural actiongroup established within the scope of the project will support the promotion of the alreadyexisting cultural repertoire and its extension by preparing a mutual cultural action plan. The first and last days of the traditional cultural events will be organized in the partner cities withlesser experience to increase the share of practical knowledge. The cultural events will be relocated between the two partners to extend and vary the repertoire, too. As a result of theinitiative, the number of persons visiting the region and the nights they spend there, will be increased (which is represented by the guest nights spent here). Within the scope of theproject, the two cities will host an increasing number of larger and smaller cultural eventseach year. The cultural and free time events may be connected well within the framework of the project, because Győr and Dunajská Streda are close to each other. Győr may be proud of having a buzzing cultural life in the region, and Dunajská Streda has a wide repertoire of outdoor events. We intend to draw the attention of more and more people by promoting theconnection between cultural life and natural heritage. As a result of the increasing number of people visiting the region, the employment rate and the life standards of the locals will alsoincrease, which will result in having closer connections with the region.
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