
What is the EGTC?

The local governments, regions and states have the opportunity to create cross-border, transnational or cross-regional co-operation with the legal entities of other member states or third countries to achieve their common objectives. Its purpose is non-discrimination: the local participants within the borders and along both sides of the border should receive the same opportunities.

The Arrabona EGTC

The Danube as the natural border of the Roman Empire has defended the province of Pannonia and one of its strengths, Arrabona, situated at the present-day site of Győr from the northern barbarian hordes. (The town was named after the Raba River’s Roman name “Arrabo”.) Within the Hungarian kingdom, the two banks of the Danube formed closely connected areas, which were related in terms of the administration, as well.


Be sincerely and warmly welcome on the Arrabona-European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation’s website!

I am delighted to say, that after more than one year of hard preparatory work, in year 2011 we were able to establish this international association with an independent legal personality.

City of Győr as the competent authority started with the initiative.


As the Director of the Arrabona EGTC I would like to welcome you

Our Grouping was registered by the Municipal Court on 24 May 2011, as a result of a nearly year long organization and preparation work. Basically EGTC was established for to achieve the regional development of the two common border areas. 


mayor of Győr
Csaba András dr. Dézsi
mayor of Mosonmagyaróvár
István Dr. Árvay
vice president
mayor of Dunajská Streda
Zoltán dr. Hájos
vice president
mayor of Šamorín
Csaba Orosz
vice president


Member municipalities


Support of special municipal and urban management activities in the territory of Arrabona EGTC.
Development of the cultural cooperation between Győr and Dunajská Streda.
Let’s build the social and cultural future of the City of Győr together!
