Let’s build the social and cultural future of the City of Győr together!
Within the framework of CLLD, the local communities will be able to prepare a local development strategy which complies with the conditions of the EU Regulation and the TOP 7 Priority, which allows the renewal of the local society, the organization of local communities, and the increase of awareness.
On a pilot basis, the priority axis intends to support the preparation of integrated strategies forsupporting community development and local identity, mainly with a content related toculture and community, also promoting the development of the local economy in the entitledcities with the cooperation and initiation by the locals, the civil organizations, the businesses and the local governments, which will result in the implementation of local developmentprogrammes using the resources of TOP ERDF and ESF in a parallel and coordinated manner.
Results expected from the CLLD tool:
The expected primary result:
The ERDF measure of the priority axis is targeting the infrastructural development of culturaland community spaces. The objective of the measure is to perform the physical renovationand development of the designated action areas of the community and cultural spaces, basedon the local development strategies prepared with the involvement of urban local actiongroups (HACS), in order to support the cohesion of the society and promoting the local economy. Within the scope of the measure, an emphasis will be put on developing and extending cultural and community spaces and services, contributing to the development of local economies where possible (indicative objectives: renovation and equipmentdevelopment of urban cultural institutions; renovation, extension and equipment developmentof urban community spaces and their transformation into spaces with the ability of hostingcreative and new services; increasing the “community space” function of public areas).
The ESF measure of the priority axis is targeting the organization of local communities whileconnecting to local urban development strategies. The measure realizes communitymanagement and development activities, supporting identity and the feeling of belonging toeach other, related to or extending community or cultural infrastructure developments (furtherindicative objectives: local community management activities; activities supporting local identity; establishment of solutions ensuring the use of the renewed community infrastructure; organization and execution of cultural and community events; activities supporting local activities and social solidarity; and promoting, creating and spreading local community-basedeconomy development solutions, etc.).